First and foremost, it’s important to be clear and upfront with the recruiting agency you’ve partnered with about what your staffing needs are so they can properly find candidates that fit your desired region. After taking the first step in transparency, here are three tips for solidifying your relationship with the agency, and ensuring that they are effective in acquiring the right candidates for your niche field:
Clearly define the skills and opportunity: Besides having written this out in detail in your job description, communicate to the recruiter specifically the skills, personality type, and characteristics that you are looking for in the new hire. Provide the recruiter with a detailed background on your company’s values and culture so they have a good understanding from their perspective of who will fit your job more.
Set expectations ahead of time: It’s important to know that it will take the recruiters time to find resumes that are a good match for the job role. As much as we want to have hired the best candidate for the role yesterday, we want to make sure that we are indeed getting the best fit. Set a realistic goal and timeline for getting applicants, in agreement with what the recruiter suggests, so the recruiter can properly allocate resources.
Be honest and direct: If you have gone through several interviews and aren’t happy with the quality of applicants, be upfront with the recruiter. Tell them what specifically you don’t like about who is being sent your way so that the recruiter can change their search parameters and better meet your needs.
Recruiting agencies are a great resource for finding the top talent in your industry. Following these three tips can help make the process go smoothly for both you and the businesses you partnered with so that you can acquire the best talent for your team.